Tuesday 17 December 2013


For the current brief I have to create two sets of illustrations. I made a set of couture illustrations and a set of high street illustrations. 

I am really pleased with how they turned out.  I think they meet a couture market because they are very detailed and the figures look elegant. 

These work well for a set of high street illustrations because they appeal to a younger audience and they  feature clothes that would be seen on the high street.  

Friday 6 December 2013

Carne Griffiths

New Ink, Tea and Drinkable Alcohol Portraits by Carne Griffiths
SpeechlessInk and Tea with Alcohol and Graphite on Watercolour Paper
Artist Carne Griffiths created these beautifully messy portraits and featured them in his new show "Invisible Lines". He creates his illustrations with conventional materials like calligraphy ink and graphite but he also drips herbal tea and alcohol on to them.   

In an interview , Griffiths describes why he began working with drinkable liquids. "I had always worked with calligraphy ink and water. It was a glass of brandy that led to the first splash of drinkables on the page, and, like most things I do concerning artwork, it was a chance happening rather than a planned one. Alcohol has a curious effect on ink, taking the colour deep into the paper very quickly - it behaves very differently to water and gives permanence to some inks."

Ink and Tea with Alcohol and Graphite on Watercolour Paper
Ink and Tea with Alcohol and Graphite on Watercolour Paper

Ink and Tea with Alcohol and Graphite on Watercolour Paper

Ink and Tea with Alcohol and Graphite on Watercolour

Illustration by Geoffry Gertz created in Adobe Illustrator CS6

Thursday 5 December 2013

Painted Faces

Photographer  Alexander Kholkhlov worked with makeup artist Valeriya Kutsan and retouching expert Veronica Ershova to capture men and women has surrealist versions of themselves. Their inspiration was pop art, posters, paintings, pixelated images and cartoon characters.  

Eye Make-up Illustrations

Tal Peleg uses eyeshadow and eyeliner to create these amazing mini paintings on eyelids. Peleg uses the angular shape of the eyebrows to frame her work. In one of the illustrations
 she uses the eyebrow as the hair and she even uses the eye in the one above. The eye is used as the pea in "The Princess and the Pea" themed painting.  

Experimenting with Different Illustrating Techniques

For this new brief I have to try different illustrating techniques. I looked at the illustrators I researched and practised using their techniques for illustrating. I think the charcoal and paint work the best and will experiment further with these medias.