Wednesday 1 May 2013

Toile Diary 5

Today, I made the pattern for my waist facing.

I overlooked the edges.

Then I sewed the front and back facings together on the right side. I left the left side unattached because the zip will be inserted here.
I pinned it to the bodice and sewed.

Next, I sewed a retaining row.

Then I made the pattern for the neck piece. I cut out two neck pieces and ironed on medium weight interfacing onto one of the pieces.
Then I over locked to end edges. I sewed the two pieces together on one side and pressed it.
Next, I sewed a retaining row and attached it to the bodice.

In my design I have over lapping leave shapes on the bodice. To see how it would look I practised on a small section of the toile. 

 I discovered it looks better when the shapes over hang the edges.